Benutzer NytimesWordle

Mitglied seit: 1 Monat (since 16 Mär)
Typ: Angemeldeter Benutzer
Praxisname: NytimesWordle
Ort: Delhi
Beschreibung: Nytimes Wordle is a popular daily word puzzle game featured on The New York Times website. In this game, players are presented with a blank grid and must guess a secret five-letter word within a limited number of attempts. After each guess, the game provides feedback on the letters that are correct and in the correct position, as well as those that are correct but in the wrong position, helping players to deduce the mystery word.

Aktivität von NytimesWordle

Punktzahl: 100 Punkte (Rang #1,185)
Beiträge: 0
Antworten: 0
Kommentare: 0
Vergab Punkte für: 0 Beiträge, 0 Antworten
Vergab: 0 Pluspunkte, 0 Minuspunkte
Erhielt: 0 Pluspunkte, 0 Minuspunkte
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