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Benutzer appruspromotion

Mitglied seit: 1 Jahr (since 18, Jan 2024)
Typ: Angemeldeter Benutzer
Praxisname: APPRUS
Ort: Parramatta
Beschreibung: Apprenticeships Are Us is a Group Training Organisation (GTO) that has been supplying quality Automotive Apprentices to the industry for over 15 years. We Specialise in Mechanical Apprenticeships for Light and Heavy Vehicles, Accident Repair trades such as Panel Beating and Spray Painting. We proudly work with Commonwealth and State Governments, Registered Training Organisations and the Educational system working closely with schools, we are at the forefront of addressing the skills shortage in the automotive industry.

Aktivität von appruspromotion

Punktzahl: 100 Punkte (Rang #1,382)
Beiträge: 0
Antworten: 0
Kommentare: 0
Vergab Punkte für: 0 Beiträge, 0 Antworten
Vergab: 0 Pluspunkte, 0 Minuspunkte
Erhielt: 0 Pluspunkte, 0 Minuspunkte
19,120 Beiträge
27,488 Antworten
49,489 Kommentare
31,224 Nutzer