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Fehler bei 1-Clickabrechnung via KIM - KV-Bereiche Bayern, Baden-Württemberg, Berlin und Nordrhein
Seit der v1.144.0.0 wird in den KV-Bereichen Bayern, Baden-Württemberg, Berlin und Nordrhein die 1-Click-Abrechnung via KIM versendet. Uns wurde von einigen Kunden (bisher aus Bayern und Baden-Württemberg) gemeldet, dass für die versendete Abrechnung keine technische/fachliche Rückmeldung von der KV eingegangen ist. Auf Nachfrage der Praxen bei der KV ist die Abrechnung aber erfolgreich eingegangen. Wir haben die KVen benachrichtigt, warten aber noch auf Antwort. Wenn auch Sie aus den genannten KV-Bereichen keine Rückmeldung auf Ihre versendete Abrechnung erhalten haben,
wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihre KV.
Weitere Hinweise und Informationen finden Sie unter folgendem Link.

Benutzer SuanneLadd

Mitglied seit: 2 Jahre (since 23, Mai 2022)
Typ: Angemeldeter Benutzer
Praxisname: SuanneLadd
Ort: Germany
Beschreibung: Psilocybin mushrooms, or "magic mushrooms," have actually ended up being progressively popular over the years. They have lots of advantages for those curious about personal advancement, in addition to people seeking help over anxiousness, clinical depression as well as other health and wellness issues. Mushrooms can be protected for regarding 2 weeks with limited strength loss if cared for correctly. Mushrooms that are dried can last a lot longer, however, you risk of minimized strength. A regular misconception concerning mushrooms is that they are dry, bitter as well as tough to eat on. While dried or iced up magic mushrooms have the potential for a more extreme bitter flavor, fresh shrooms in fact taste much more like regular mushrooms. Fresher mushrooms additionally tend to hold their potency better than shrooms that have been dried out. When you store fresh mushrooms, the storage space technique is a lot more vital. Fresh mushrooms act much like routine mushrooms. If saved in warm, moist locations, they can begin rot in an issue of days. On the other hand, a dried mushroom kept in a closed container can last for years. Paper bags work well to eliminate natural dampness from your fridge, simply make sure to totally shut the bag so the shrooms are not revealed to the components. Tupperware containers work fantastic to protect your shrooms from the components, thanks to the air limited seal. Simply ensure to put a notepad towel in the container with your shrooms to decrease moisture. Magic mushrooms are a hallucinogenic fungi that expand on the ground. They can be eaten, dried out and made into a powder or drank in tea type (to activate quicker). Dried, they can come to be different-coloured mushrooms with white streaks-- regarding how much time your thumb is. There are many different sorts of these mushrooms however most people prefer Psilocybes semilanceata (or "Liberty Caps") since they're smaller and also have a subtler preference than other types.

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